A long period has passed since the last post. During that time, the climate has experienced significant change and so have I. The various and powerful human institutions, governments and organizations--not so much.
My changes produced new perspectives on the problems, solutions and opportunities arising from climate change encouraging me to resume posting.
You'll see much less science in these future posts---not to say the science isn't important and continuing at an accelerated rate. The science isn't going to create the changes that are needed for the Earth to serve as a quality habitat for the remaining animals and plants. Those few people who are interested in the hard science can find it easily enough.
Meetings with city planning officials in December and the first quarter of this year regarding Climate Action Plan implementation proved informative. I've also had conversations with energy raters, home inspectors and, of course REALTORS. Many of the important pieces are present--but the jigsaw puzzle able to produce required CO2 emission reductions is far from complete.
Following posts will address why that's the case and lay out the immediate timeline created by California law. The key messages: change is coming; opportunities are too--for those who see them and plan ahead. For others, the next few years may be particularly interesting.